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Becoming A Mom Information

Whether you are experiencing

a pregnancy for the first time

or the fourth time, each experience is different and can create new
challenges and concerns. 


Interact with other pregnant women and find out more about common pregnancy experiences, including what to expect during labor and delivery, how to be successful with breastfeeding, and how to calm your baby.

Education & Support

Class 1: Pregnancy Overview*

Class 2: Pregnancy Health*

Class 3: Labor & Delivery

Class 4: Infant Feeding

Class 5: Infant Care

Class 6: Postpartum Health

*Offered as pre-recorded session only

Due to participant feedback Session 1 & 2 will be offered as pre-recorded sessions only. 
In-person classes begin with Session 3.

Classes begin in:

Our Partners

March of Dimes Logo.png
KDHE Logo.jpg
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Classes in Spanish are available virtually  through BabyTalk out of Wichita, KS.


Please select the link below to register for SPANISH VIRTUAL CLASSES.


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